ASKUE is deciphered as an automated system of control and accounting of energy resources. In general, this is a system that collects and stores information about the consumed capacities (electricity). At any facilities, including both commercial, industrial, and residential buildings, these systems provide collecting information about energy consumption.
What ASKUE does? The main task of the system is to determine and consider the amount of incoming and consuming energy, and accordingly, to control this process in frames of certain points and objects (for example, for a specific building or district). ASKUE calculates and at the same time shows information at once at several specified points, and you can receive information from the program in real time.
ASKUE can also calculate and analyze the loss of electricity and the overall equipment performance.
Equipment and installation of an automated control system of energy resources are delivered by various organizations by analogy with many other systems. Maintenance is also carried out in a standard order by the same company as the installation of equipment. The need for technical inspections of equipment is an integral process of Ascue operation. The fact is that such equipment requires constant attention and performance tests so that the effectiveness of the functionality of the equipment does not fall.
In this regard, we want to note the importance of choosing quality organizations providing the ASKUE installation service. In addition to high -quality work with the technical side, the company should have competent specialists who have the opportunity to provide information support and provide all important documents.
The Technocytes Group of Companies, which is located in Moscow, can organize ASKUE maintenance and equipment installation. By the way, among the services of the organization, you can also find other useful opportunities related to heat and water science.
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