One of the most important issues in Immigration to Canada is to receive a passport that will open the world of travels and other opportunities for a person. It must be understood that this is one of the most difficult points, so we will analyze all the stages, processes, as well as requirements to obtain Canada citizenship in more detail. It all starts from the immigration site, on which you can study, all step -by -step information regarding the submission of documents for any status: education, visas, refugee, residency and so on. At the moment, the application conditions are the following.
A person must be an adult. If the documents are collected for a child, then:
The child must have the status of residency;
You must be a parent or an official guardian;
One of the parents should be a citizen of the country or submit an application at the same time. Living time. It is necessary to be in the country for at least three years over the past four years before serving.
Attention! During the calculation, periods of absence are not taken into account, this means that each time leaving for rest, these days are read from the total amount. You can use a special calculator, thanks to which you can easily calculate all the days lived. Language skills. There are two state languages in Canada, this means that you must own one of them.
A person who submits an application for citizenship should know the basic phrases and be able to lead dialogues on everyday topics (tell about himself, about his kind of activity, be able to retell his own day, present his favorite business, and so on);
Understand questions and basic instructions;
Have at least minimal ideas about the grammar and the design of French/English – to show that you know a sufficient set of phrases to give a clear answer to the questions posed.
If you are in the age group from eighteen to fifty-four years, then it is necessary to attach evidence to the package of documents that you speak in any language:
Diploma of the Canadian school or college;
The result of such tests as: IELTS and Celpip-G not lower than the fourth level;
Certificate of completion of a special school for immigrants.
Criminal past
The receipt of Canadian citizenship will be denied if a person was completely crime, he falls under the deportation procedure or he was already deprived of citizenship. If you meet all the requirements, you can safely start collecting a package of documents.
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